William Dalrymple
William Dalrymple, Novelist and Historian, on the General Election
I am making a protest vote for the Liberal Democrats this time. I can't vote for either of the other parties as they have both - bizarrely - adopted Neo-Con foreign policies, at least as far as the Islamic world is concerned...<more> By contrast, Menzies Campbell seems to be the only British politician who really understands the mood in the Middle East, and the complexities of the situation there. As someone who spends a lot of his time among Muslims, I find that Labour policy of blindly following Bush's line has not only alienated Britain's natural allies in the Muslim world; it has also hugely dented British prestige and any lingering respect Britain retained East of Fez. We are - rightly - regarded as ignorant and sycophantic lapdogs of the new American imperialism. Blair's policies have also, I feel, endangered my position as a British citizen travelling in the Islamic world: I, and every other British passport holder, are now be regarded as legitimate targets by large numbers of otherwise reasonable and peaceable people. The sooner Blair goes, the better.